In the virtual exhibition Drawings of Ivan Kožarić from the holdings of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Glyptotheque we are going on with the presentation and study of works of art from the holdings of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Glyptotheque, this time introducing the student drawings of one of the most important Croatian artists, Academy Fellow Ivan Kožarić from the Collection of Drawings of Croatian Artists of the 20th century in Glyptotheque. The virtual exhibition catalogues and discusses 68 drawings in the techniques of pencil, pastel and ink of Ivan Kožarić that were bought by Dr Antun Bauer and added to the then collection of drawings and sketches of the Gipsoteka of the city of Zagreb. During the 1943 to 1949 student days of Kožarić at what was then the Royal Academy for Art and Fine Crafts in Zagreb (today the Academy of Fine Arts) he did drawings from the youth work campaigns, male and female nudes, portraits and sketches and scenes from everyday life. Many drawings were done to convey an intimate account of seen experiences, events and people that the artist transferred into his personal expression, along with drawings that were made during practical exercises at the Academy. His early drawings are of assistance in the reconstruction of the morphology of style, influences and the chain of continuity within Ivan Kožarić’s versatile and diverse artistic oeuvre, and tell of the exceptional talent displayed while he was still a student. The exhibition points out the importance of Kožarić’s formative student phase in which intimations of his personal style and expression are to be seen, as well as the stylistic characteristics that he was later to employ in the production of sculptural forms. That is, the drawings that came into being during the time of Kožarić’s student years reveal the artist’s approach in the elaboration of the composition and the central motif and give us an insight into the artist's treatment of line. Thanks to the production of a virtual exhibition, it is possible to present works previously unknown and never reproduced drawings of Kožarić to the general public.
Virtual exhibition devised and text written by
Tihana Boban, Senior Curator, Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Glyptotheque, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Goran Vranić
Graham McMaster
Copy editing
Maja Silov Tovernić
Virtual exhibition: programming, building and maintenance
Luka Maroević, Ivanka Maroević, Maja Benčec Ivanjko
The exhibition was created with the financial support of the Zagreb City Office for Culture and Civil Society